Let’s be honest, it’s been pretty posh being a human the last seventy-five years or so. No offense to those who have fought wars since like Vietnam and Desert Storm or lost everything in 2008. On a macro scale, however, the bulk of first world peoples have had a nearly ubiquitously safe and certain existence.
Now, unless you’ve actively sought out adversity, uncertainty, and other growth rich environments (that I’ve made a case to be the most responsible, safe choices you can make), history likely hasn’t prepared you for a pandemic like this. After all, the only thing worse than hard times are having hard times without previous experience of painful uncertainty or adversity.
No judgement. Just awareness.
It should be noted that we now know there are several human reactions to danger. In fact, the stress response is a highly studied phenomenon in modern science. Humans respond to perceived danger or stress in one of three ways:
- Fight,
- Flight, or
- Freeze
Rather than get into a debate as to which response is appropriate, let’s start with awareness. How are you reacting to this crisis? Did you spring to respond? Run for the hills? Has it paralyzed you? Getting to know how you deal with stress is important to integrating this moment and to getting a rep that will yield a more savvy response next time your life gets tossed upside down.
Logan Gelbrich
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
5/7/20 WOD
Progressive Stability Work:
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
30 Shoulder Taps w/ :1 Pause at top
10m Bear Crawl Forward
12 Bird Dog (Right Arm)
10m Bear Crawl Backward
12 Bird Dog (Left Arm)
Then, complete 5 rounds for reps of:
30 Air Squats
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Tuck Jumps
Max Burpees
-Rest 1 Min-