I first learned about Aspen trees while visiting Glacier National Park a few years ago. I’m no botanist, but I was and still am fascinated by this tree.
What I find so interesting about the Aspen is the juxtaposition of its appearance with its root structure. In simplest terms, what appears as one Aspen is actually a small part of a much larger organism. So while you see a collection of Aspen trees above ground, what you’re actually seeing is a single organism – one with its main life force underground, in an extensive root system.
Though individual Aspen trees can live for 40-150 years above the ground, the root system of a colony can live for tens of thousands of years. (Check out the “Pando” colony in Utah, which is estimated at 80,000 year old.) It’s because of this root system that Aspens can survive forest fires. By living below the heat of the fire, they’re able to produce new sprouts after the fire burns out.
But listen. Beyond admiring the structure & resiliency of the Aspen, I’m sharing this tree species today as a beautiful metaphor for the culture of DEUCE Gym. Be it personal or professional, athletic or business, etc. – to grow individually is necessary for development, but to also grow collectively… ah, that’s often the determining factor for survival.
As Logan puts it in the Developing an Unbeatable Culture ebook, “Culture transcends individual leadership.”
Just remember: the fertile soil that sits beneath DEUCE, that has grown and continues to grow remarkable culture, is no coincidence. Sharing roots in the pursuit of individual and collective growth is tangled and often messy. But if your commitment is to the long game, perhaps best to find yourself some Aspen roots… better yet, plant yourself among them.
Kimmy Moss
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
4/28/20 WOD
Trunk Stability Progression:
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Planked Forward Arm Reach to Toe Touch (ea)
8 Side Plank with Reach Under (ea)
8 Knee-to-Elbow Mountain Climber (ea)
-Sprint Progression-
Complete 3 rounds for fastest times:
:15 Sprint
-Rest :90-
:15 Sprint
-Rest :90-
:15 Sprint
-Rest 2:00-
Then, complete the following for fastest time:
:20 Sprint
-Rest :90-
:20 Sprint
-Rest :90-
:20 Sprint