In middle school, I wrote an email to Reggie Waller. It felt like a letter. Back then things were opposite. Mail was annoying and emails were exciting. Maybe it was the sound: “You’ve got mail!”
In any case, Reggie was like an unofficial uncle. He is a former big leaguer, turned MLB scout, turned agent, turned consultant to the MLB Players Association. He taught me how to hit. My email to him impresses me looking back. I was much more shy than to reach out to an adult in this way, but I felt compelled to anyway. It was a declaration. Looking back it felt like I had to confide in someone.
I told him I’d never been more motivated in my life. I was working harder than everyone and performing better than my peers and I wanted to tell him that I would play professional baseball. I was calling my shot to someone outside of my own mind and I had him to thank. He wasn’t just remarkable. He cared about me and believed in me.
Today my phone rang and the caller ID read “Reggie Waller”. I felt my eyes welling up. We spoke for about 20-minutes for the first time in over a decade. I can tell you that being reminded of the power a human being can have on others brings meaning to life itself. There’s a strong chance that you could have the effect on another person that Reggie Waller had on me by simply giving a best effort and sharing yourself with the others.
I hope you’ll try. I’m eternally grateful Reggie did.
Logan Gelbrich
4/5/20 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
20 Sit Ups
25 Crunches
30 4-Count Flutter Kicks
-Rest :60-
Then, complete in as few sets as possible:
100 Situps
-Rest 2 minutes-
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
30 Chair Dips
30 Cuban Presses
-Rest :60-
Then, complete 5 rounds for quality of:
16 Alt. Forward Lunges
18 Alt. Lateral Split Squats
20 Alt. Reverse Lunges
22 1 1/4 sumo Squat
24 3-Position Stance RDLs
(8 narrow, 8 normal, 8 wide)