My favorite section of the newspaper as a kid was the real estate section. I was fascinated. My brother would be devouring the sports section and I was looking at a “colonial masterpiece with servants quarters of Mulholland Drive”. I realize that might be as weird as me telling you about it.
I did notice something, though. I realized that there weren’t that many different things about homes. You’ve got the style, the number of bedrooms, baths, the square footage, and a note about signature amenities like a pool or a guest house or something. Nonetheless, you can’t sell a house very well if it’s boring to read about or just like the rest.
Why say it’s a modern house up on Orum Road when you can say the “architectural achievement rests on its very own promontory”?
I remember being something like ten or eleven years old and realizing there was some guy or gal intentionally adding pizazz, wordsmithing uniqueness, and cultivating vicious diction to bring life to the page. There’s so much that’s obvious about life that I hope you do your part not to add to it.
Logan Gelbrich
4/4/20 WOD
Complete 2 rounds for quality of:
15 Prone I-Raise
15 Prone Y-Raise
15 Prone T-Raise
Then, complete 2 rounds for quality of:
15 Tempo Squats (5-1-5)
15 Push Ups to Downward Dog
-Rest :60-
Then, complete 3 rounds:
30 1/3 Partial Squats
(10 bottom 1/3, 10 top 1/3, 10 full reps)
Then, immediately complete:
30 3-position Stance Squats
(10 narrow, 10 normal, 10 wide)
Then, immediately complete
;60 Isometric Squat hold
-rest 2 minutes-
Then, complete in as few sets as possible:
100 pushups
-Rest 2 minutes-
:90s plank
-Rest :60-
Max Effort Plank