As a matter of civic duty, all DEUCE gym locations will be closed indefinitely. We are eager to not just face this scenario responsibly, but to put forth an effort unknown to mankind for you, the DEUCE Community. Here’s what this means for DEUCE members:
- THE PROGRAM. We’ve designed a thoughtful, no bullshit program for the entire community (coaches included) to align under a uniform pursuit of performance. This will include deliberate progression that will leave us all with more capacity. Expect tracking, PRs, improvement in your conditioning, and muscle stamina gains.
- EVERYONE GETS A COACH. Each DEUCE location is allocating a specific coach to every student from every program to triple down on accountability, connection, and adjustments needed to accommodate this time. We’ll invite you to communicate with your assigned coach starting tomorrow.
- WELLNESS HUB. We’ve built a digital gathering place to exchange the types of communications and support required to navigate this time of social distancing with remarkable grace. Join us.
- NUTRITION. Managing adversity comes down to managing what’s in your control. Period. Nutrition is an area we have dominion over and we are tripling down on our commitment to bringing value to you all in this area. We’re inviting you to intermittent FREE coaching calls in addition to the DEUCE Nutrition 101 and 202 offerings that have been making waves. Call details will be announced tomorrow.
- DEUCE TRAVEL GUIDE MADE FREE. We’re making our premium eBook FREE to the public to access a treasure trove of workouts based on little to no equipment. Use code ‘BEATCORONA’ here to claim it.
I want to thank you all for the support you’ve shown DEUCE and now it’s our turn to show you all how honored we are to serve the greatest gym community on the planet. Onward!
Logan Gelbrich
3/16/20 WOD
Progressive Volume Work:
Complete 4 rounds for quality:
12 Hollow Rocks
15 Push Ups
20 Squats
Progressive Tempo Run:
Run 8 Minutes Out
Return with a Negative Split (<8 Minutes)