We’re hosting a 6-week lifestyle game called the Whole Life Challenge and you’re invited to dial in your mindfulness, training, mobility, and nutrition with us. All DEUCE locations are combining forces to make this hyper-focused time a collective effort.
Both members and non-members alike are welcome to join us. Participants can expect to perform a baseline workout and a retest at the culmination of the challenge. Daily game play is based on a point system each day which contributes to a leaderboard to hold us accountable. In past years we’ve had over 140 players participate!
Most improved participants can even earn cash and prizes! Get excited, because there will be both social and educational events along the way. The challenge kicks off April 11th!
Logan Gelbrich
3/11/20 WOD
Find a 20RM Front Squat..
“DT Intervals”
Every 4mins for 20 mins, complete the following for time:
12 Deadlifts (155/105)
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks