It was a pleasure to sit down with PushPress founder, Dan Uyemura, and talk about everything we are doing at DEUCE. The two companies run in parallel. I remember being in the coffee shop in the early days of DEUCE and bumping into Dan and his partners. They were brainstorming the project that would become PushPress.
We talk about culture, the rites of passage built into building our coaching staff, and what the true value we’re trying to create in the fitness space really is. If you’re a nerd about DEUCE, this will be a gold mine for the concepts the drive our team.
I invite you to listen in to our conversation that provides some insight into what’s happening behind the scenes at DEUCE. I hope you enjoy learning about our ethos.
Logan Gelbrich
PS – For an immersive educational experience, join me in LA for the Hold the Standard Summit March 28-29. Details here.
3/5/20 WOD
“Time is a Flat Circle”
Complete the following for time:
60 Double Unders
20 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
400m Run
-Rest 1 min-
30 Box Jump Overs (20″)
10 Thrusters (105/70)
200m Run
-Rest 1 min-
15 Bar Facing Burpees
5 Deadlifts (275/185)
-Rest 1 min-
Repeat in reverse order
*40min time cap.