Please note we won’t have our regular 10am GPP class this Saturday, because it’s FREE Community Workout time! That means, like every first Saturday of the month, we have a FREE Community Workout open to the public starting at 9am. The 90-minute class is perfect for beginners and experienced students alike.
Bring friends, bring family, and we’ll bring the fun. See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
3/4/20 WOD
Find max load for the following:
50′ Farmer’s Carry
“I Feel Fine”
Complete 4 rounds following for time:
6 Farmer’s Handle Deadlifts (205/135)
-Rest :30-
12/8 Assault Bike Calories
-Rest :30-
4 Alt DB Snatches (70/45)
-Rest :60-
100 Banded Hamstring Curls