Each week there are regular class times to perfect the specific skills and strengths around weightlifting and gymnastics. Not only can students drop-in to these classes, they can be used with the General Physical Preparedness (GPP) membership.
- Monday 5:30pm – Weightlifting
- Tuesday 5:30pm – Gymnastics
- Wednesday 5:30pm – Weightlifting
- Thursday 5:30pm – Gymnastics
- Saturday 11:30am – Gymnastics
I find that there are two main types of folks who are best suited for these classes. On one hand there is the the student who is specifically interested and inspired by the specific speciality discipline. For these students, their favorite days are the days with clean and jerks or the days with handstand walking. On the other hand, there’s the student who’s fed up with their deficiencies in the areas of weightlifting and gymnastics to the point that the most direct route to their improvement would be to focus on these acute weaknesses.
Regardless of your position, we invite you to explore skill development with us. We’ll see you in class!
Logan Gelbrich
2/19/20 WOD
Back Squat
Complete 4 rounds for time:
20 Single Arm KB Front Rack Squats (50/35)
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 KB Swings