With a minute and twelve seconds left on the clock, the fate of the San Francisco 49ers was all but sealed. They would lose to the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl. I knew that, they knew that, and the millions watching around the world knew that.
I guess I took moments like this for granted when I was an athlete. When you’re on the field, you’re busy doing the work. As I watched from my third-person observer perspective, I nearly could cry with empathy. Facing this fate, they toed the line and continued to fight. No one could come down on the field and save them. The curtain wouldn’t come down and hide them. They were there on the world’s largest stage losing with great pride. They’d huddle and find their formation steadfast, nonetheless, The defensive coordinator would call down the play, nonetheless. They would show up, nonetheless.
It’s an honorable sight to see someone hurting, failing, losing, dying and facing it head on, with dignity. Bless those who are in the fire and facing it, nonetheless.
Logan Gelbrich
2/5/20 WOD
Axel Bar Deadlift
Then Complete for time:
500m Row
3 Rounds
14 DB Snatches (50/35)
10 Burpees
800m Run