Did you know that for the month of February you can bring an accountability buddy along with you to all DEUCE Gym locations? It’s ‘Accountability Buddy’ Month! What this means is you can choose one friend to mirror your current membership level free of charge.
Does it sound like there’s a catch? Well, there’s not. As long as you pick just one ‘accountability buddy’ and they come when you come, you and your friend are set to crush the month together!
Want in? Have your friend text “I want in” to 855-909-1350 to claim this offer!
Logan Gelbrich
2/4/20 WOD
“Nasty Girls”
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle ups
10 Hang Cleans (135/95)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality:
10 Med Ball Hamstring Curls
10 Ab Rollouts
10 DB Tate Press