This short film caps a remarkable run of Melanie Lim’s DEUCE Diaries series that featured the people, the workings, and the magic of DEUCE Gym. This episode centers around Strongman 101, which is a specialty course with a storied past in our community and Meredith Miller. She’s a graduate of the program turned coach of the program whose own story is such a symbol of triumph and perseverance that it belongs on the silver screen.
Melanie Lim used this 17-minute piece to apply for one of just eight spots in Stanford film school. We all await her admission notice next month! Please enjoy a glimpse into the power of this community.
Logan Gelbrich
1/21/20 WOD
Spend 10 minutes on kipping pull ups…
Then, AMRAP 10
100′ Sandbag Carry (BW)
10 Dbl Kettlebell Swings (54/35)
*At the 10 minute mark, Run 800m