2020 Summit Dates Announced

The two day adaptive leadership course is moving to a recurring host site model. Shrinking the number of events and making them more of a destination, the course will meet in the following cities in the following dates:

  • Nashville, TN – March 7-8
  • Los Angeles, CA – March 28-29
  • Barcelona, Spain – May 23-24

The first three people to enroll get $250 off with code the following codes:

  • TOP3INNASH – Nashville
  • TOP3INLA – Los Angeles
  • TOP3INBCN – Barcelona




Logan Gelbrich 


1/6/20 WOD

Find a1RM Clean..


Then, complete 5 rounds for reps:

In :90..

10 Burpees

Max OHS (95/65)

-Rest :90-