It’s with great pleasure that I publicly announce Coach Juan Guadarrama’s ascension to the role of Program Director for DEUCE Garage. Juan’s new role is exemplary of his relentless commitment to leadership and development that is the lifeblood of DEUCE’s heart.
I’ll never forget the new father and local personal trainer who came in to DEUCE with a willingness to be a student. I was (and still am) taken aback by Juan’s willingness. He can simply out will you and your whole city if you let him. I’m eternally grateful that he directed his curiosity to the garage. Unafraid to be new, Juan has transcended his days as a white belt student into a coach, a competitor, a businessman, and a leader we all can follow.
Culturally we view leadership as a teachable skill that is defined by the results you are willing to take responsibility for. For us, leadership, then, is a choice and Juan has chosen it over and over again while building the capacity to take ownership of more and more dynamic outcomes. The paradox of leadership includes the lack of control for those outcomes, which often leaves a leader taking responsibility for failures outside of his/her control. As leaders gain new mastery, they need to set their sights on a spiraling development of responsibility that stretches them. This is that for Juan and we will all be better for it.
This is a role that is unlike any (as far as I’m aware) in the world of functional fitness. While we celebrate Juan, I’d be remiss not to mention that this is available to the public if they choose it. It’s because of a willingness to commit to a process with an effort that is unknown to mankind from people like Juan that we are able to win and carry our flag. To Juan, I’d take a bullet for you, brother. I love you like family and there’s not a thing I wouldn’t do for you. I plan to push alongside you to the top of any mountain we choose to climb.
Please join me in congratulating a true champion of leadership: Juan Guadarrama.
Logan Gelbrich
1/2/20 WOD
10 Deck Squats
5 Kick Ups
2 Turkish Get Ups
Complete the following for time:
Deadlifts (315/265)
Box Jumps (30/40)
-Rest 5 minutes-
Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Pull Ups