We’ve been spreading our own rumor about this and it’s true. While this won’t affect current members, we want folks who are thinking of waiting until the New Year to have a chance to save.
Starting January 1st membership dues will increase for new contracts. We take pride in being able to empower coaches to earn a living wage, receive full PPO medical benefits, and take on the sole job of coaching our students well. For the first time in our history we’re increasing membership dues to accommodate rising costs of rent and medical coverage.
Share this with a friend who’s considering joining in the New Year, so we can schedule their FREE Intro Session before hand. See you at the garage!
Logan Gelbrich
12/18/19 WOD
Find a max set of strict pull ups and strict dips..
Then, FLOW 8
8 Reverse Grip Push Ups
10 DB Chest Supported Row
12 DB 3-Way Raise
Then, complete the following for time:
60 KB Swings (70/53)
60 Toes-to-Bar
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
**Athletes perform 5 burpees each time a set is broken