This Saturday marks the first Saturday of the month, which means we’re opening up our doors to the public. The FREE Community Workout begins at 9am. The 90-minute workout is open to both members and non-members for an inclusive, challenging workout.
The energy is great at the special workouts, so feel free to bring a friend or two. See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
12/5/19 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality:
3 Strict Pull Ups w/ Pause + 10 Pull Ups
:30 HS Hold
8 1-Arm Reverse Grip DB Bench Presses (Ea)
Then, AMRAP 9
9 Unbroken DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (50/30)
12 Unbroken Knees-to-Elbows
15 Unbroken KB Swings (53/25)