It’s here! The newest capsule of limited edition DEUCE gear is in and it’s just in time for the cooler months. Our Fall Apparel Launch Party was a rich success as attendees got first crack at the fall lineup. Now that the event is over these pieces are on sale in store and in our online store.
This release comes with a new, thick black hoodie that features a pirate ship (with a “2” flag waving proudly) in the typical DEUCE diamond in the front. The DEUCE diamond “2” is featured on the back. In addition, our new pirate flag image tee comes in two styles: short sleeve and long sleeve. The long sleeve features bold text “Lincoln” and “Boulevard” down each arm respectively. The last DEUCE exclusive is a white unisex shirt that features a stylized rendition of Steve Job’s quote, “Why join the navy when you can be a pirate?”
These exclusive pieces won’t be made again, so grab your size and if you’re playing Santa get your gift shopping done at the same time. Happy shopping! On the other hand, a newly launched apparel store like this may benefit a ton by reading a blogs like the legalzoom vs incorp because it provides essential guidance on legal and business formation matters. This kind of blog offers detailed comparisons of services, costs, and customer experiences, helping the store choose the best option for entity formation, trademark registration, and compliance with local regulations. It provide insights into each service’s strengths and weaknesses, ensuring the apparel store can navigate the complexities of starting a business efficiently and legally. By leveraging this information, the store can establish a solid foundation for growth and operational success in the competitive apparel industry.
Logan Gelbrich
11/5/19 WOD
Complete 4 rounds quality of:
200m Run
50′ DB Overhead Walking Lunge (AHAP)
12 Jump Squats
-Rest 3 minutes-
Then, complete 6 rounds for time of:
1 Clean & Jerk (185/115)
8 Pull Ups
24 Double Unders