This past weekend I was fortunate enough to speak at the Free+style Insider in San Francisco. It was here that I got to catch up with a fellow coach and friend, Nate Helming, who has created the leading running resource on YouTube for runners with more than 300,000 subscribers, The Run Experience.
We spoke about the latest record shattering sub-two hour marathon effort ran by Eliud Kipchoge and Coach Helming had sage comments on the feat. “Like most every great performance,” he said, “it didn’t come out of nowhere.” Kipchoge is a legend who’s been eyeing this two-hour barrier for some time broke a record many thought would never be broken. After a recent race, Kipchoge was asked about his focus. Would he run another upcoming race on the circuit or focus on the impending record attempt?
Kipchoge responded, “I’m am from Africa, and in Africa, we don’t chase two rabbits at once.”
If you want it. Focus.
Logan Gelbrich
10/22/19 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
50′ Heavy Standing Rope Pull
:30 L-Sit Hold
:45 HS Hold
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
12 Pull Ups
6 Devil Press (50/35)
-Rest :60-