Any high level performers can tell you about the endless dance between idealistic goals and realistic outcomes. Here’s the paradox:
Best performances require an attempt at perfection.
Perfection is impossible.
Knowing perfection isn’t possible, however, doesn’t mean we can use that fact as a justification for not trying. Therefore, our greatest performances ask of us to attempt the impossible as if it were and use the discrepancy to inform future efforts.
The only way to reap the benefits of failure are to make the attempt without conceding the vulnerability of possibly falling short. This courageous, iterative process is the key to development and the lessons therein. This paradox also exposes the myth of perfection to begin with.
Pursue perfection with reckless abandon as if it were possible (it’s not), fail, and try again. You’ll learn more than you could ever imagine.
Logan Gelbrich
10/15/19 WOD
Snatch Balance
12 Power Snatches (95/65)
Then, complete the following for time:
Front Squats (185/150)
Box Jumps (24/20)