Competing can feel like playing war. You win or you lose, right? There’s blood in the water and the act of competing is cutting and divisive, right? This world-view leaves many people opting out to say, “Well, I don’t want to compete with anyone. I’m not interested in that.”
This isn’t an issue of pacifism, people.
Consider legendary football coach Pete Carroll’s view of competition. To him competing is less about cutting other people and more about “striving”. To him, competing isn’t about winning and losing or even burying an opponent. Coach Carroll said in an interview recently that we can strive physically, athletically, but also for new leanings. To compete, then, is largely about an interest in how to do things better.
So, please, for your own sake and everyone you love, compete!
Logan Gelbrich
9/16/19 WOD
Back Squat
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Bulgarian Split Squats
10 DB Strict Press
Then, complete the following for time:
Deadlifts (215/185)
Pull Ups