There are three types of muscle contraction. The concentric contraction is the highlight reel contraction that is marked by the shortening of a muscle group and is most known for moving weight. The eccentric contraction is a dark horse in that it’s anticlimactic role of lengthening the muscle (often by lowering the weight) is the reason muscles get bigger. The third and least celebrated contraction in the fitness industry is the isometric contraction. This contraction is when the force produced by a muscle is equal to the force opposed. This means there is no movement.
The isometric hold is a beautiful way to earn stability in a certain range of motion. Great ways to include the isometric contraction can be in movement prep and warm-up environments. Isometric dominant movements serve as strength building, diagnostic tools, and warm up at the same time.
We often use isometric contraction dominate movements in the warm up to create stability around the joint while prepping for the movement of the day. Deadbugs, side planks, and other high tension holds are ripe for a balancing of the ledger in an eccentric and concentric dominant fitness world.
Logan Gelbrich
8/22/19 WOD
Spend 15 minutes on handstand drills..
Then, complete the following for time:
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps of:
:60 Max KB Snatches (44/30)
:60 Max Box Jumps (24/20)
:60 Max Double Unders
-Rest :60-