The topic of last week’s meeting for the World’s Best Book Club (that requires no reading) was skill transfer. This is central to the notion that we can apply our past experiences in the future in extremely beneficial ways. Long, vulnerable pursuits towards mastery, then, have unique value that doesn’t hinge upon the outcome of those pursuits. Said differently, it’s worth it to go after big goals because we earn valuable utility whether we accomplish these kinds of goals or not.
The Going Right Mastermind Roundtable explored the fact that the action central to my book, Going Right, is a process of adaptation. The adaptations that occur from these specific pursuits can be applied generally.
I want to thank those who participated in this series. A special thank you is due to both Art Montalvan, my co-teacher, and the Roosterfish, who hosted us so graciously. Thank you all!
If you’re interested in checking out my book that’s impacted men and women in profound ways, you can get your copy here.
Logan Gelbrich
8/20/19 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for time:
10 Barbell Roll Outs
15 Leg Lifts
:60 Hollow Hold
Then, every 4 minutes for 16 minutes complete the following:
400m Run
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
10 DB Snatches (50/35)