Here’s a classic metaphor in our industry. Imagine a shooter tasked with firing ten bullets as quickly and effectively at a paper target down range.
In the first example, a shooter’s paper target comes back with nearly perfect accuracy and precision. The “bullseye” is hit almost as if some bullets shared the same entry hole with a six or so others within millimeters away from the tiny bullseye. Good shot, right?
But, what else can we surmise from this effort? Based on the task at hand, we can say the shooter undoubtedly shot too slowly. With slightly more rapid shots the shooter may have slightly less meticulous accuracy but still be accurate enough to achieve the task to fire ten shots as quickly and effectively (hitting the target) in less time.
Now, in the opposite case, you can imagine a shooter breaking a world record for time to send ten bullets down range. Meanwhile, the paper target comes back with just one or two bullets on target with the others nowhere near.
The founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, once summarized intensity and accuracy conundrum with the following example, “If I am meeting you for lunch, do you want me to show up at the right time or to the right place?”
We need both.
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you train with a certain level of intensity that is important to driving your adaptation. So, is it technique that’s important? Or, is it intensity? Both? Would your workout “target” benefit from more intensity? Or, would it benefit from more accurate technique?
Logan Gelbrich
8/13/19 WOD
Front Squat
Power Clean
Power Snatch
Minute 1: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
Minute 2: 12 Burpees