With a vast number of ever changing variables, humans live in an environment of constant change. Through an evolutionary lens, one might be able to see that the regularly scheduled three square meals is a novel concept for our species. After all, most of our existence has been through the worldview that food is scare and our access to it is intermittent sans grocery stores. Such scheduling was invented in the military and adopted culturally for plenty of helpful social and practical reasons on the back of a novel concept: universal access to food.
Food quality and quantity aside, there seem to be benefits metabolically to intermittent, less scheduled meal consumption. Thus, the rise of intermittent fasting as a popular nutritional strategy.
The concept of intermittently refraining from consuming food has had success in large populations of people for weight loss, body composition, and even performance in some by restricting calories and increasing insulin sensitivities by delaying the consumption of carbohydrates. There are known health benefits to the act of fasting in and of itself, as well.
Ironically, many of the folks who practice “intermittent fasting” aren’t really fasting intermittently at all and are potentially missing the benefit of an non-scheduled nutritional habit. Instead, while not eating between 7pm and Noon the next day.. everyday.. is fasting it isn’t intermittent at all.
If you’re into intermittent fasting, this may be an unpopular opinion, but I challenge you to actually fast intermittently. Good luck!
Logan Gelbrich
8/7/19 WOD
1 Power Clean
3 Front Squats
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps:
DB Push Presses (50/35)
Box Jumps (24/20)
-Rest 3 Minutes-