[VIDEO] Resilience to Unavoidable Adversity

The topic of last week’s meeting for the World’s Best Book Club (that requires no reading) was resilience. And, it just so happens that in pursuits of peak expressions that require unique levels of commitment and the accumulation of a large body of deep work (like ‘Going Right’), resilience is a natural by product.

The Going Right Mastermind Roundtable explored adversity as an unavoidable, universal truth. From there, we were able to separate our dilemmas from ourselves and enroll in the processes to overcome them. The group even participated in a live consultancy protocol to put these words to action. 

Watch the video above and feel welcome to join me and Art Maltavan for a series of talks Monday evenings at Roosterfish Bar at 7pm in Venice Beach until August 19th. These talks are built around the principles inside of my best-selling book, Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams and are specifically for the greater DEUCE community. 

Want more info? Click here


Logan Gelbrich


8/6/19 WOD

Complete 3 rounds for quality:

10 YTW Shoulder Raises

10 DB Renegade Rows (AHAP)


Then, AMRAP 15

10 Toes-to-Bar

10 Burpees

200m Run

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