It’s understandable that we create ways to certify people and use titles to indicate levels of expertise. In medicine, academia, martial arts, fitness, and beyond, certifying bodies create curriculums, rites of passage, and tests to help us organize who is who in a sea of others.
The classic trouble with this is that there are a great deal of people who have great degrees, certifications, and letters after their name that you wouldn’t want to hire or work with. The process of certifying anyone for anything, then, is an imperfect concept.
Meanwhile, those who are certified love the fact that they are certified. In fact, it’s often the case that the more certified the individual, the more passionate they are about the importance of those certifications. Since these folks are more qualified on paper and have done more specific work to earn those qualifications, you may notice that they are quick to separate themselves from the rest of the less-certified-pack.
Here’s the deal. In many cases, the certifications are necessary but certainly not sufficient to be a remarkable lawyer, trainer, therapist, etc. Whether you’re the certified person leaning on the letters after your name or you’re inquiring about business with someone who’s using their qualifications to justify the work, it’s time to reconsider.
A qualification is a formality. It’s a box worth ticking, but it grants no free passes or exceptions to quality work. Remember that.
Logan Gelbrich
7/31/19 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
25 GHD Back Ext
:30 L-Sit Hold
10 Ab Rollouts
Then, complete the following for time:
800m Run