Did you know that DEUCE is a case study for leadership and organizational culture on an academic level? In fact, this material is taught all around the world and the 2019 Hold the Standard™ Summit schedule is coming to an end soon.
The video above gives insight to one entrepreneurs experience at a past event. The content is for all leaders and managers regardless of industry and there are both individual and group rates available.
Check out a Summit in your region before the end of the year:
Hold the Standard™ Summit
Scottsdale, AZ – Sept. 7-8
Portugal – Sept. 21-22
Santa Fe, NM – Oct. 12-13
Providence, RI – Oct. 26-27
Logan Gelbrich
7/26/19 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
4 Tempo Pistols (ea)
8 Ab Rollouts
Then, complete 2 efforts for best time:
Tempo 1K Row
-Rest as needed-
75 KB Swings (53/35)
150 Walking Lunges