This is a game changer for the city of Los Angeles! For the first time ever the DEUCE Breath & Exposure facility is making sauna and/or ice bath access open to the public! These ‘Office Hours’ are open on an affordable drop-in basis with limited access in any given hour.
These sessions are done under supervision and are designed to grant access to a facility not available anywhere else in the city. Participants can use the sauna and/or ice as they wish and do not need to follow a particular structure of protocol.
We look forward to seeing you next week. Bring a friend!
Logan Gelbrich
7/15/19 WOD
Strict Press
3×8 Chin Ups
3×8 DB Tate Press
Complete 4 rounds for reps of:
20/14 Cals Row
Max DB Deadlifts (50/35)
-Rest 2 Minutes-