Imagine yourself in a crowded café. When you think about the individuals around you, can you imagine that they each have some desire for a wonderful life inside of them? I can. Why then have statistically most of these people given up their peak selves? We are knowingly choosing to forgo what we really want in life and all we have instead is a laundry list of reasons why.
I recently wrote a best selling book that not only addresses why this phenomenon is commonplace, but it outlines a bulletproof argument for the utility of choosing our peak expression. It’s called Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams and if you want to enjoy the short, easy read you can get the book on Amazon or you can grab a copy at the gym.
I’m aware, however, that the magnitude of this message far outweighs the popularity of reading. Therefore, I’m inviting you to join a fellow DEUCE student, Art Montalvan, and I for a discussion of the topics in the book. You don’t need to even own the book, let alone have read it to join us.
We’ll be meeting right here in the neighborhood at the Roosterfish Monday nights starting July 8th at 7pm. Consider this the easiest book club you’ve ever heard of. Come for the community, the ideas, and/or the beer.
Make it Facebook Official here!
See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
7/1/19 WOD
Strict Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
5 Weighted Pull Ups
15 DB Floor Presses
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps:
20/14 Cal Row
Max Burpees
-Rest 2 Min-