Book Club Requires No Reading

There’s no typo in that title, people. In an effort to help integrate the concepts of my recent best selling book, Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams, I am hosting a community roundtable starting Monday July 8th at The Roosterfish bar in Venice Beach.

These events are open to the public whether you’ve read the book or not. Each week Art Montalvan, a Harvard grad and expert in education who was deeply impacted by the book, will host me to discuss integrative topics of ‘Going Right’ and we hope you join us for casual discussion, drinks, and community.

Week 1 – Curiosity

Week 2 – Commitment

Week 3 – Deliberate Practice

Week 4 – Resilience to Adversity

Week 5 – Flow

Week 6 – Transferable Skills

Week 7 – The Collective: ‘Going Right’ in teams, organizations, communities, and our globe.

I hope you’ll consider coming and I welcome you to bring a friend! See you soon.


Logan Gelbrich   


6/21/19 WOD

Complete 3 rounds quality:

8 Muscle Ups

10 Eccentric HSPU

12 Med Ball Hamstring Curls


Then, complete 4 rounds for time:

20/17 Cal Row

100’ Sled Push (190/145)

-Rest as needed-


*Athletes record slowest round score

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