No, I’m not talking about the hot dog. I’m talking about polish, like on your shoes. There’s a critical difference maker in life and business that has massive implications and it’s called polish. It’s the last three percent of attention to detail and it’s often the difference between being out of the game and being remarkable.
That is a big leap, isn’t it?
Is there really a three percent difference between being out of the game and being remarkable. I’d argue that if the game is important enough, it’s likely true more often than not. Hell, there are even plenty of superficial examples that help build this case.
How regular does a car look a week after a car wash? Now, how’s the car present itself with Armor All on the tires. It’s incredibly noticeable. Considering the engine, drive train, interior, and every other feature of the car is exactly the same, the silly act of shine the outside of the rubber tires takes even a modest car from one-of-millions to remarkable status.
This only becomes more true when we leave the superficial realm. Think about how it looks and feels when you leave off the last three percent of attention to detail in a business offering or an interpersonal relationship. It can take a perfectly good thing and nullify it all. Whether it’s marketing that’s poorly executed or a restaurant experience that leaves a bad taste when the bill comes out, a winning experience can become a loser instantly.
Polish up and win.
Logan Gelbrich
6/5/19 WOD
Single Arm DB Strict Press
50’ Overhead Waiter Carry
Then, AMRAP 25
30 Double Unders
25 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Pull Ups
15 Snatches (75/55)