Lululemon Santa Monica has a surprise for all those who attend a special event next Thursday called the Men’s Passion Panel. This unique social event will featuring myself and two other men, Nicholas Pratley and Dave Coast, that will surely inspire. Nicholas is a holistic lifestyle and energetic intelligence expert and Dave Coast is a wellness and sustainability writer and creator.
The event, put on by the Living in Your Passion Place podcast, will take place at 1457 3rd Street Promenade, CA 90401 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. We’ll be mingling with food, drinks, and a DJ before and after the panel, so the stage is set for a night to remember.
If you want to mix it with some positive energy and grab a FREE gift from Lululemon, RSVP here!
Logan Gelbrich
6/4/19 WOD
Build to heavy set of 4 Deadlifts
Complete the following for time:
21 Deadlifts (185/125)
42 Double Unders
-Rest 2 minutes-
15 Deadlifts (225/155)
30 Double Unders
-Rest 2 minutes-
9 Deadlifts (285/175)
18 Double Unders