We’re pleased to announce a new domestic date for the Hold the Standard™ Summit this year. Motivated leaders across all industries are invited to Providence, RI for a unique two day course that delves into adaptive leadership and organizational culture with immersive application of concepts for immediate use.
The world-wide seminar is more than a gathering of gym owners. With successful transformations of entrepreneurs and small businesses from fashion and tech to marketing and eCommerce businesses, we’re confident that any leader will benefit from the principles that guide the behind the curtain workings of the DEUCE brand.
Find a course near you:
2019 Hold the Standard™ Summit Schedule:
Scottsdale, AZ – Sept. 7-8
Portugal – Sept. 21-22
Santa Fe, NM – Oct. 12-13
Providence, RI – Oct. 26-27
Logan Gelbrich
5/29/19 WOD
Even: 3 Hang Cleans (AHAP)
Odd: 10 Burpees
Then, AMRAP 18
250m Row
5 Deadlifts (225/185)
30 Double Unders