**All Classes are Cancelled to Support “Murph” at 10am**
Right now as you read this there are men and women willfully doing a job that places them in grave danger. Some of these brave men and women don’t ever come home from work and today is for those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice.
We invite you to contribute to the community vibe today starting at 10am for “Murph”, which is a hero workout that salutes Lt. Michael Murphy who lost his life fighting for his country. We will host multiple heats for folks of all fitness levels.
Don’t forget we’ve got tacos for you after and you can bring your own beer!
Logan Gelbrich
5/27/19 WOD
“Body Armor”
Complete the following for time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
**If you have a weight vest or body armor, wear it