Several weeks ago I set a goal for myself to host more dinners. I sense a need for community and togetherness that isn’t being resolved around me. Maybe you can relate.
Surely, there’s always been a basic human need for belonging. We’ll always have that. Nonetheless, the void I wanted to fill was more acute. These days we’ve specifically got an increasing velocity of work capacity and expectation in my bubble and many folks (like myself) are quick to choose the task at hand over connection.
Based on my experience so far in sending a text invitation or manifesting get togethers of various degrees, my hypothesis has been confirmed over and over. People want a togetherness that isn’t there. Thus far, it seems that resolving this is a matter of deciding to create the opportunity. It’s as simple as that. The need for this is so strong that simply declaring a time and place for togetherness is all that’s needed for quality experiences to happen.
School night? Who cares! Invite three friends to cook at your place. Wanting some fun connection in your life? Make a reservation for eight and fill the seats. We all want the same thing, so just take the first step.
Logan Gelbrich
5/7/19 WOD
Box Squat
2 Power Cleans
Complete the following for time:
100 Walking Lunges
4 Rounds
10 Strict Pull Ups
10 DB Push Press (50/35)
15 Air Squats