DEUCE University: Own Your Decision Space

We invite you to challenge your assumptions and apply your decision-making with intent with us this Friday at 1:30pm for a presentation from a renown strength and conditioning coach. The lecture will be a part of a continuing series we’re calling, DEUCE University, to expand the educational upside of being here with us at 110 Lincoln.

Here’s a sneak peak into the event:

We are presented a barrage of low risk opportunities every day. For each opportunity, a choice is made; but often times it is made unconsciously. These constant choices create habits, habits rely on assumptions, and relying on assumptions limits critical thinking. When we find ourselves navigating a high risk decision space, we are more likely to walk away without regret if we own a set of principles to challenge our assumptions and make informed decisions as opposed to unconscious choices.

-Identify the difference between a choice “an act of selecting” and a decision “a conclusion reached after consideration”

-Understand why you should challenge your assumptions to own your decision space

-Walk away with a principle based blueprint to challenge everything you think you know

-Learn how to apply strength and conditioning concepts that are mindlessly put into action, ignored, or omitted altogether with intent to inform active decision making

Luke Summers is COO of Power Athlete Inc. and a strength coach who has spent a decade travelling the world as a seminar instructor.

RSVP here.


Logan Gelbrich


4/29/19 WOD

Find a 1RM Front Squat..


Then, complete the following for reps:

Max Strict Pull Ups


Then, complete for time:


3 Rounds

400m Run

21 American KBS (53/35)

12 Pull Ups