Invitation: Going Right Launch Party

After a successful best-selling release of my book, Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams, I’m excited to celebrate with you all! Join me and some of the featured characters from the book for drinks and appetizers Sunday May 5th from 4-7pm. 

The event will take place at our own Chef Antonia’s new restaurant, DAMA, in the fashion district downtown. This will be a gathering of positivity that you won’t want to miss. We even encourage you to secure a dinner reservation if you’d like to stay and eat with us after the party!

Still haven’t grabbed a copy of the book? Buy one here!

Joining us? RSVP for the party here.


Logan Gelbrich


4/25/19 WOD

Find a heavy load for the following:

10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges


Then, complete for time:

2 Rounds

40 Double Unders

24 DB Snatches (50/35)

12 Strict Pull Ups

-Immediately into-


80 Double Unders

42 Box Jumps (24/20)

24 Pull Ups