Several weeks back I came across a story about Jonny Kim on a favorite social media account of mine. He, of course, is the NAVY SEAL with more than a hundred combat missions who later went on to Harvard Medical School. With both Bronze and Silver Stars to his name from combat in the War on Terror, he took to medical school, became a doctor, and took up work at Massachusetts General Hospital. Shortly thereafter he was one of twelve selected from more than 13,000 applicants to become a NASA astronaut. At writing, he’s 35 years old.
Life is amazing, isn’t it?
Think you’re maxed out on life because you brave the 10 Freeway each week? Consider the story of Danish Arctic explorer, Peter Freuchen. The 6’7” explorer once covered 1,000 miles across Greenland on his dogsled. He managed to write more than a dozen books after being imprisoned by the Nazis in World War II. Naturally, he escaped death to Sweden before coming to Hollywood where he wrote scripts and eventually starred in the Oscar winning film, “Eskimo”.
His lore is made most notorious by surviving death again after being trapped in a snow cave. At one, point he lost all hope for survival. Soon after his spirits emerged as he recalled how he’d noticed how hard his dog’s feces had become after being frozen in the snow. Naturally, he forced a bowel movement and formed a pointed instrument with it. After it froze, he promptly picked his way to freedom with his new tool. He’d only lose his left foot to frostbite.
Much later, Freuchen won $64,000 on a game show called (you guessed it), “The $64,000 Question”. Of course, he did.
Neither of these stories are meant to make you feel badly, but, rather, inspire living large. If we aren’t careful the lanes we live in might be drawn far too narrow to begin with. Life’s short, people. Live a little.
Logan Gelbrich
4/18/19 WOD
2″ Deficit Deadlift
Then, complete the following for time:
2 Rounds:
50 Push Ups
800m Run
-Rest 3 minutes-
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
400m Run