LATEST: Credentials Still Don’t Replace Results

Authorities from more than two dozen agencies and anyone who cares from nearly as many industries confirmed yesterday that credentials, including but not limited to college degrees, certification courses, and massive social media followings, will continue to not be accepted in lieu of actually doing your job well. Highly credentialed low performers are disappointed at the news after a relentless battle to leverage their technical education and socialized clout for a hall pass on accountability to results.

“It seems like it’d just be a lot easier,” said one lobbyist. “I mean we are extremely qualified on paper and we made lots of sacrifices to earn our hypothetical credibility. That’s worth something, right?”

“Wrong,” says skin-in-the game industries. Forecasts indicate that there likely won’t be any shortage of pleas to relinquish responsibilities in our future. Followers continue to double down on credentials while leaders continue to demand actual actions.


Logan Gelbrich


4/17/19 WOD

Complete 3 rounds for quality:

50’ Front Rack Walking Lunges (AHAP)


Then, complete  the following for time:

25 Strict Pull Ups

25 Box Jumps (24/20)

75 Double Unders


-Rest 2 minutes-


20 Alt DB Lunges (35/20)

25 DB Clean & Jerks

75 Double Unders


-Rest 2 minutes-


42 DB Snatches

24 Pull Ups