Leave No Doubt

Want to know the best way to avoid speculation, push back, or critique? Leave no doubt. The irony is that the folks who are often most resistant to feedback leave the most doubt. This remains true from getting your reps counted to winning a role. If you leave no doubt, you can avoid that whole pesky judgment and feedback process.

It sounds silly once you call this for what it is. Leaving doubt begs the question, “Should I trust this?” Remove the doubt and you remove the question. Period.

Logan Gelbrich


4/12/19 WOD


Seated DB Strict Press


Then, complete the following for time:

40 Toes-to-Bar

30 Power Cleans (135/95)

20 Front Rack Reverse Lunges


At 10:00, take 6 minutes to

establish a 1RM Power Clean…