Never in the history of humanity has more communication of ideas occurred. Period. By volume, more information is shared today than in any other period in history and with that comes some implications. Firstly, we’re connected. Secondarily, we’re sharing our faces off.
Frankly, I’m as guilty of the latter as anyone. Johnny Content always has something to say and I’m not sure it’s for the better. There’s an assumption being made because of how connected we are. That assumption is that you should have something to say in the first place. Take this one step further and just about anyone that can share thinks they should be heard. These assumptions should be checked. Some opinions hold weight while others don’t and ironically it’s not through running your mouth that adds weight to your opinion.
News flash: just because you can post, tweet, and blog doesn’t mean you should be listened to. If you’re a big talker, do yourself a favor and sit back and listen for a decade or so.
Logan Gelbrich
4/11/19 WOD
DB Front Rack Step Ups
Complete the following for time:
3 Rounds:
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Alt Single Arm DB Thrusters (50/35)
15 Double Unders
-Rest 2 minutes-
3 Rounds:
30 Double Unders
10 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
10 Single Arm DB Clean & Jerks (50/35)
-Rest 2 minutes-
2 Rounds:
40 Double Unders
20 DB Snatches (50/35)
10 Box Jumps (30/24)