Let me come correct. I’m an advocate for a blue collar work ethic. I value a work-harder-than-the-other guy strategy as much as anyone I know. As the tide shifts in the youth go getter culture, more and more entrepreneurial spirits are leaning, are I say, too hard on the hustle hard mantra. To my own surprise, I need to communicate a clear and direct exception to this seemingly universal truth that hard work trumps all.
Keep in mind that I’m writing this and eating my own words on this very topic. I’m writing this blog, the 2037th of its kind, with a lost talent for enjoying myself and being able to relax. I defer to work and I’m here to say that it’s not the best way.
The key distinction here is to understand what the hard work is for. Clearly, the point of this hustle culture isn’t for the hustle itself but rather the outcomes this hustle provides. If the true desire for the go-getter-community is successful outcomes then the premises should hold these desired results in the highest regard. In brevity, hustling hard is key as long as it gets good results.
Consider that there is an intersection where more hustle doesn’t equal more results. In fact, it’s quite the opposite beyond a certain threshold. The obvious exception to this hustle-above-all-else mentality is when your ability to grind is no longer advantageous, we need to amend the core belief that working harder is the only and best way to beat yourself out of a tough challenge.
If you’ve got a big hustle bone in your body, don’t abandon it. It’s a valuable tool just like any other great tool. Think about deploying your hustle better rather just just using it more. Could you consider that your work ethic is best used as a least effective dose instead?
Logan Gelbrich
3/21/19 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 DB Bench Press
12 Hollow Rocks
Max Decline Ring Rows
Then, with a partner, AMRAP 15
Partner A:
250m Row
9 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135/95)
Partner B: -Rest-