What would make accomplishing your training goals difficult? What would make getting in the gym a challenge? We all have these challenges. Is it work? Is it a waning motivation? Is it seasonal work fluxes?
Regardless of your specific vulnerabilities here the point is the same. It pays big dividends for your ability to realize your goals to look in the areas that often derail your efforts. Chances are that you’ll face these issues. How you handle them will specifically affect your ability to realize that which you hope to accomplish. Handle them well and you have a chance. Don’t handle them well and you’ll likely fail.
This means rather than avoid the common future pitfalls of regular life it seems the best approach would be to create contingencies for that which could derail us from reaching our desired outcomes. So, what’s the plan for when work gets busy? How will you hedge against your waning motivation? Are there times of your seasonal work year that you can augment your training strategies?
Logan Gelbrich
3/20/19 WOD
Make 5 attempts at the 3 position snatch…
Then, with a partner, complete 20 alternating rounds for time of:
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Hand Release Push Ups
15 KB Swings (70/53)