After having coffee with a student of ours for nearly seven years I was reminded of what conversations really matter. The picnic table in front of the gym has seen a lot of conversation over the years, but I’d argue that the most significant ones haven’t necessarily been about foot position in the deadlift or how to tension the bar during a bench press. The parts of us that we bring to the table, so to speak, that are the most impactful to one another include our wholeness.
This realization comes with a few different important insights. This includes a misconception that your classmates and that this community needs you to bring your fitness to the table when in reality it’s you they need. They need to hear, see, and feel your whole self. This includes your worries and struggles. It includes what ails you at work and what helps when you’re overcoming something.
Sure, we’re a gym, but don’t think you have to put on your fitness mask to sit at the table. We want you.
Logan Gelbrich
3/6/19 WOD
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes complete the following complex for quality:
8 Hollow Rocks
10 Rolling Candle Sticks
12 Alt Pistols
Then, AMRAP 12
12 Unbroken Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Unbroken DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (50/30)
8 Unbroken Pull Ups