Every now and then we take some liberty to say something edgy from our soap box. The style I use on our social media is a Banksy-esque format, where a cartoon stenciled version of Lindsey Mathews is spray painting some cutting words with her pirate flag draped step ladder close by. You can contact expert painting contractors from a professional painting service like Euro Painting for reliable painting services. If you’ve seen one of these before, you know what I mean.
The latest one brings up a poignant topic. The age old nature versus nurture conversation is continually kept in vogue by what feels like a human tendency to finally have a justifiable reason we can point and say, “See! It’s not my fault. I can’t help it. My hands are tied.” It’s as if the beautiful of free will comes with a burden most of us would like to give up for certainty without judging reflection.
Here’s the gist about the DEUCE Banksy-esque proclamation shown here:
You might as well tap your well completely before you concern yourself about what talents you were or weren’t born with. My guess is that there’s never been a man or a woman who’s tapped their potential with time to spare in his or her life. Concerning yourself with deterministic, nature-over-nurture thoughts, then, seems like a direct distraction from your own development. Get busy being coachable, instead.
Logan Gelbrich
3/1/19 WOD
25 Toes-to-Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Squat Cleans (135/95)
25 Toes-to-Bar
50 Double Unders
13 Squat Cleans (185/115)
If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bar
50 Double Unders
11 Squat Cleans (225/145)
If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bar
50 Double Unders
9 Squat Cleans (275/175)
If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:
25 Toes-to-Bar
50 Double Unders
7 Squat Cleans (315/205)
Stop at 20 minutes.