I am humbled to share with you all that I’ve completed a project that tested every cell in my body. For more than three years, I have tried to communicate the most important message that I have for the world and it’s finally done.
Last week, my book, “Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams,” became available for pre-order. In the last few days it has become the number one best selling new release in philosophy! I cried seeing this creation on the same list as my favorite author (#2) Nassim Taleb and other legends like C.S. Lewis and Albert Camus.
Regardless, I’m floored. While I’m new to the author game, there is an unfortunate reality in the book business. The superficial success and recognition part simply matters. These things matter because these are the necessary steps in order for a book to get in front of the people that would benefit from it most. I don’t ask for help often and I’m admittedly not great at it, but I need your help.
This book is for anyone who has untapped greatness. It’s the kind of book you gift to the people that you want to realize their power. It would mean the world to me if you would share this with the people you care about.
Logan Gelbrich
2/25/19 WOD
Spend 10 minutes building to a heavy clean…
Then complete the following for reps
5 Cleans (135/95)
5 Toes-to-Bar
-Rest 3 Minutes-
10 DB Snatches
5 Box Jump (24/20)