It can often feel like we’re shouting out into the world and don’t get to hear back from the people that may be listening. We want to hear from you, so if you’re willing we’d like to send you some free DEUCE stickers. All you need to do is write us a letter to 110 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 with the following information:
First Name Last Name
City, State Zip
If you want to write a short note, we’d love to hear from you. Once you do that we’ll send you some sweet DEUCE stickers to spice up your life. If you want to know where we get our awesome stickers from, you can check out the folks at Sticker Mule to make your own!
Logan Gelbrich
2/22/19 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Renegade Rows
10 DB Step Ups
8 Barbell Rollouts
Then, CrossFit Games Open Workout 19.1
19 Wall Balls (20/14)
19 Calorie Row