Once a year the Hold the Standard Summit tour makes a stop in Los Angeles. After a sold out weekend last year, the event is expected to be bigger and more impactful than ever. We’re calling all entrepreneurs, leaders, and coaches for a weekend of expansive growth for the ‘Hold the Standard’ Summit – Venice Beach March 9-10.
This Summit is unique because it addresses the faulty logic perpetuating how leaders are trying to evolve in the information age. Each participant will get important, valuable technical insight to how organizations operate best and how to build teams and market products and services better. However, this technical insight pales in comparison to the value of the adaptive change possibilities. Leaders need to know how to grow capacity (in themselves and others). Almost no other seminar can say the same.
The Summit is not a gym owners only event. The weekend is universal in nature and DEUCE is simply a contextual case study for principles that have helped online businesses, magazine groups, shoe companies, and consultants run their operations at a higher level. If you’re a leader or work in a team, this is for you.
Here’s what one coach had to say about the experience. If you or someone you know might be interested, please reach out to seminar@deucegym.com with questions. Special group rates are available.
See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
2/20/19 WOD
Complete the following for time:
2 Mile Run
1K Row
50 Burpees