We want to make coming to DEUCE Garage as rich of an experience as walking onto campus at Harvard. It should feel like no matter where you look there are deep rabbit holes of excellent learning opportunities. This is why general physical preparedness (GPP) is our core focus, but, like a university, you can study a number of different courses to depths as willing as you are to go.
These are our specialty courses. These courses from Gymnastics and Athletic Development to Powerlifting and Strongman are ways to diversify your learning and specifically reinforce areas of your fitness capacity.
Two of our specialty courses, Gymnastics and Weightlifting, are used interchangeably with the GPP membership and we’re excited to announce some schedule changes. Gymnastics will now be offered at 5:30PM Tuesday and 11:30AM Saturday. Weightlifting will move to Monday and Wednesday at 5:30PM respectively.
If you’ve never ventured into the world of specialty courses, now’s the time! See you there!
Logan Gelbrich
2/7/19 WOD
Find a Heavy Strict Press..
Then, AMRAP 15
100′ Sandbag Carry (AHAP)
12 Pull Ups
10 KB Swings (70/53)