Our latest artist collaboration is with world-renowned tattoo artist, Charly Reynoso, of Black Diamond Tattoo in Venice Beach. The unisex tee features his art on the back and “Killers Only” on the front left breast. The shirt comes only in black.
This is a limited edition run, so there won’t be another printing of this piece. Grab it now if you want your size.
Logan Gelbrich
1/11/19 WOD
Bar Dips
Sled Rope Pull
Then, complete 8 rounds of:
:20 Inside / Out Plate Jumps
-Rest :10-
:20 Lateral Plate Jumps
-Rest :10-
Then, complete the following with a partner for time:
100 Pull Ups
80 Wall Balls (20/14)
60 Devil Press (60/40)
40 Toes-to-Bar
200m Run